Category: General Information
Hits: 615

Existing WebLearningTools  Research Projects are (or will be) in several major categories:

  1. development of useful training courses for educators about DL and ITS issues,
  2. development of "sample courses" and "course content development projects" which educators can download and use to guide their own work,
  3. development of other "model projects" for educators, and
  4. web software design and development projects (a) which improve distance learning in general and in specific cases, and (b) which help to integrate existing and emerging distance learning systems (such as course content authoring and content delivery systems) with learning-domain appropriate existing and emerging intelligent tutoring systems.

By herself (myself), the WLT PI would be fortunate to do useful innovative work in any one of these categories well.  Collaboratively, the WLT PI and WebLearningTools Researchregistered collaborators could do, or could facilitate the multi-person performance of, useful innovative work and the production of innovative work-products that advance DL and ITS in most or all of these categories.