The Kobo eReader costs $149.99, presents black-and-white eBook pages, with 8 or more shades of grey, and as of June 2010 comes with 100 free eBooks. It weighs 221 gm.s. The device presents 5 different font sizes to the reader. The maximum capacity of the Kobo is 1000 books, each on average 1000 pages long, stored in 1GB of on-board RAM (1K bytes per page, on average). Add a 4GB SD card and store 4000 books.   The Kobo eReader is associated with the "" commercial online eBook store which has a digital book distribution relationship with Borders Books (US, CA, AU), Angus & Richardson (AU), and Whitcoulls (NZ). The Kobo marketers claim the Kobo is 'device neutral', further claiming that "(when you are) finished reading on your (Kobo) eReader (you can use) a Kobo app(lication and bluetooth wifi on the Kobo to connect to) your smart­phone, desktop, or tablet (computer), and your eBooks and even your bookmarks (in the eBooks will) follow you so you'll never lose your place."