The Apple iPad version 1.0, on sale since April 3, 2010, in the USA, offers the second eBook-reader-sized device with a color screen with which to read online newspapers, magazines, and eBooks. The first may have been Sony which offered a more expensive color-screen version of their eBook reader in 2009(?). Apple's one and two-finger by-touch on-screen web page and web site navigation of what is shown on that screen is still somewhat unique in the field of "user interfaces" for consumer-grade computing devices and smart phones. As of Spring 2010, other vendors of computer hardware with similar functions are "catching up" with similar improvements to their touch-screen user interfaces. However, the iPad v1.0 is offered in a "feature poor" condition, having no webcam, no USB ports with which to connect the user's existing USB-cabled peripheral devices, and having other deficiencies which Apple may assume that naive computer users of the iPad will not notice. Also the feature-reduced version of the otherwise excellent, fully object oriented, multi-tasking operating system, Mac OS X, that runs on the iPhone and the iPad does NOT allow the iPad to perform multi-tasking. This deficiency means the iPad user can "run" only ONE iPad software application at a time! So if you were on a Skype call with someone and you had to refer to the contents of a web browser page to continue the conversation, you would have to "close and exit" Skype, start the browser application, get the information you need from a web page, perhaps memorize it(!), close the browser application, start a text editor application, save the information you had just memorized, close the editor, restart Skype... I don't want to work on any computer-enabled device that way.