Few or none of the actual projects instantiating the following abstracted project categories may be available for viewing by the general public at any given time.  Nevertheless, the currently active WebLearningTools Research projects, generally speaking, are:

  • Updating this beta Joomla-powered version of the "weblearningtools.org" web-site as a good-enough substitute for the Drupal-powered version.
  • Continue updates to and testing of the beta Drupal-powered (D6) web-site so we can offer it for public beta testing, collaborative refinement, then present it as "weblearningtools.org version 2.0, release 1.0", ready to accept contributed news posting and project design and code contributions related to advanced distance learning, appropriate affordable intelligent tutoring systems, and the integration of the two.
  • Drupal, Moodle and Semantic Web (web 3.0) open source code and concepts study.
  • Development of Drupal and Moodle "site installation, maintenance, and educational uses" tutorials for computer phobic and computer novice educators.
  • Updating of existing tutorial slides (powerpoint) and Moodle short-courses for publication here and use by all site Visitors.
  • Developing outlines for one or more "Sample Courses" to be offered via the WLT-Moodle server.
  • The EOE Project -- since March 1998 an on-going project planning effort and software design process of revising existing software (web middle-ware) designs. A new first priority work-product is to prepare existing design documentation for publication here, then open the design process to collaborative improvements contributed by registered web-site users.