Category: Technical Pros and Cons
Hits: 550

The ".0" suffix of "web 2.0" means that anything labeled "web 2.0" is absolutely the first, largely untested, untried, but "working well enough in the factory" version of whatever "it" is with the prefix number and name, in this case the "web 2" prefix.  Also the developers of ".0" web server code, in this case CMS code, feel confidant nothing, or only very tiny bits, of whatever "it" is will not "break" and cause major harm to end-user data or cause major frustrations for the end-users when in the case of CMS software they try to build and manage web sites with "it".  That also means "it' is not yet sufficiently refined and improved by the developers responding to end-users' complaints, remarks and suggestions to be called the next version, i.e. in this case, "web 2.1".

In general I say: beware of any software or hardware that is numbered ".0" (point zero).  It may work "ok", but it not has not been fully "field tested", i.e. tested in very many more real life situations than the software or hardware developers ever anticipated!  Hence there is a need for end users of new ".0" hardware or software to give feedback to developers to fix bugs, to add requested new features, and in the case of CMS software to otherwise improve the code, the functionality and performance of the web server code between the release of version "Point Zero" and "Point One" of it.  And the same applies for improving something that is ".1" to ".2" and so on.

Some advantages of any CMS:

The site administrators transfer much of the content creation and administration activities to the end-users of the site.

Some problems others have found with "CMSes" not yet identified by name to me:

Some problems I have found in the Web 2.0 Joomla v1.5 CMS: